
Clipboard on Doctor's Desk: PSD Mockup

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Clipboard on Doctor's Desk: PSD Mockup

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Mockup of a clipboard on a doctor's desk, surrounded by a stethoscope and coffee cup. Perfect for marketing, advertising, and design fiction prototyping.

This meticulously crafted Photoshop file is easy to navigate and easy to edit. Only basic Photoshop knowledge is required to use this mockup. Can you copy/paste? Then you're set.

Illustrator file included (optional to use) to for document design layout.

Drop in whatever you want and the Photoshop file with automagically add texture, adjust focus and blend it in seemlesly with the design.

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A PSD mockup file, an Illustrator layout file and README instructions

Layered PSD file
Easy to edit Smart Objects
Color-coded layers
Yellow = Info, Green = Editable
HD aspect ratio
16 x 9
Super high resolution
6720 x 3780
94 MB
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